Escrito por IAEA
2021, February 17
Exhibition “Agustín de Betancourt”
During the month of June, a collaborative work will be exhibited in the Higher Technical School of Civil Engineers, Channels and Ports of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
In the room on the first floor you can find the work of several students who highlight part of the life, work or legacy of Agustín de Betancourt, founder and director of the School.
The objective of this sample is to exceed the scholarly parameter and humanistic complement of Engineering and transport it towards a higher degree of technological training in order to motivate and attract the attention of students in the learning process. In this sense, in addition to the memorization and reproduction of content, the execution of an applicative and collaborative work of understanding and optimal use of knowledge has been proposed.
For those who are interested in collaborating with the action, you can make this important protagonist known to the ETSICCP, disseminating his work and history through social networks.
The exhibition has also been marked by the presence of the Caminos Photographic Association, which has provided light and colors of its urban landscapes to the University hall.
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