New York – Events & Meetings

Escrito por IAEA

enero 18, 2022

On December 30, 2021, IAEA President Fernando Rodríguez met in New York with our partner and advisor Porie Saikia, who was one of those responsible for managing the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Manhattan, New York.

 The organization of the meeting arose with the objective of exchanging impressions on the projects carried out by IAEA, such as the seal of safe and resilient infrastructures / cities, where actions were marked to work on the issue in the future. Likewise, the association model that IAEA currently has, based on services and not on membership fees, was discussed.

 Mention was made of the book by Juan Bosco (r.i.p.) on finishing works that will be published soon.

Porie Saikia will be giving a conference in June 2022 in Brazil and Sao Paolo on security and resilience strategies in New York City.


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